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The Dynamic Rewards Mechanism: How It Works

The rewards calculation system, according to which users are encouraged with WBT for the SoulDrop marketing activity, operates on the principles of compounding. It means that the reward accumulated in the previous period becomes part of the WBT holding body for calculating the next reward.

Please Note: The reward accumulated in previous periods is factored into the final calculation but is not credited to the WB Soul every period. Therefore, the longer you hold, the greater the final reward.

A period is a fixed time interval lasting 30 days during which calculations are performed.

The calculation of remuneration is based on the Amount of WBT in Holding, and the Holding Level impacts the period reward percentage.

The period reward percentage varies for each Holding Level, starting at 1.316973381% for the First Level and reaching 1.677838513% for the Eleventh Level.

The reward is calculated based on these percentages and the amount held, incentivizing users to hold WBT for more substantial returns over time.

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